Please enjoy the rest of my website and feel free to leave a comment about anything. I have a lot of stuff on my website.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
It’s a good idea to keep the sound on , as it will beep at you for attention. When it has dropped one heart it will need to be disciplined. Don’t play with him or give him meals, first discipline your tama before taking care of it. So discipline him every times he calls for it. After the final time you discipline it in this stage it will get sick soon after, this tells you that he will change in the next 30 hours. Now you need to take perfect care of your tama to get Mametchi/Mimitchi. If you fail to do so you may end up with Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi.
What Is A Tamagotchi?
Tamagotchi is a tiny pet from cyberspace who needs your love to survive and grow. If you take good care of your Tamagotchi pet, it will slowly grow bigger, healthier, and more beautiful every day. But if you neglect your little cyber creature, your Tamagotchi may grow up to be mean or ugly. How old will your Tamagotchi be when it returns to its home planet? What kind of virtual caretaker will you be?"Annoying
There are 3 ways to connect now. you can play a game, give a present, or just take a visit. The friend list and prestent list is still under the friend icon, but they added new choices as well. Like point, where you can donate well earned gotchi points to the king. once youve donated enough you will recieve a password to go visit him on Then after "point" there is family. Where you can go in and lok at either your tamagotchis parent or grandparents. There you will get a code to use on tamatown to visit your old tamagotchis that left you. Also under the games icon you can enter a password that you obtain from You set up a user name on your tamagotchi and use that same user name on tamatown, to get your own special unique code. You will usually just get souviners that you can view but cant use.. but its still fun to collect them.
V3 Secret Codes.
The V3 also has some special shop codes.
CACA BABC = stuffed animal
ACBB BACC = hairgel
ABBA ACBA = cake
BCAB ACBC = steak
CBAC CABC = cuckoo clock
BCBC CABA = love potion?
I hope you enjoy these!!
COOL, How To Get: Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets and Quintriplets.
Twins: When Tamagotchi is flying away hold all buttons and after the beep let go of the middle and right one (that is b and c).Hold on to a and then press reset,while holding a tell it hatches. Note: If you did it right you will start out with two eggs.
Triplets! Wait for your previous Tamagotchi TWINS to die. The angel must be on the screen when you press A, then C, then A, then press RESET.
Quadruplets! When your triplets are dying push: A then C then, A and B at the same time then push RESET. If you did it right you should start off with 4 eggs.
Quintuplets!When the angel is on the screen, to get five tams hold down all buttons, press the reset button and release C then A then B.
Friday, July 21, 2006
If you guys want to see something halarious, go to or for a halarious video on, you know, that Plushenko guy he is a figure skater. Well in this video (it is only 3:54 seconds) Plushenko is figure skating to a song called "Sex Bomb" and he is taking his shirt off, his pants off, but luckily leaves he undies on.
GO NOW!!!!!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hey guys. I really want to know why you guys don't leave comments any more. This just isn't a website without your feedback and compliments.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Hey guys. Guess what you can go to and leave a comment about what your favourite movie is. Go NOW.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Okay so do you see this little "fire head" guy (that is what I call him)? Well this is a teenager tamagotchi. Of course if you already have a tamagotchi than you probably know that there are a gazzilion more teenagers. Okay so I am exagerating a little. This is what my v2 looks like.
What does your tamagotchi look like. Is it a baby, a kid, a teenager, an adult, or a grandparent? Let me know and you can even give a picture of it if you really want to.